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Now delivering whiter smiles in Karori, Wellington, New Zeeland! Our experienced beauty technicians are waiting to transform your smile using state of the art whitening techniques. Select from our PureSmile Signature, Platinum or Executive teeth whitening package and be prepared to be amazed by the results.

We are provide the safest teeth whitening procedures on cosmetic dentistry services.

  1. Use a state-of-the-art technology
  2. 100% safe and effective! All natural
  3. On Demand teeth whitening Perth

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About Us

We are experienced team of dental technicians in Woodend, Christchurch, offering a complete packages of PureSmile teeth whitening treatments. Get your smile back through our PureSmile Signature, Platinum and or Executive teeth whitening package. We are located at 5 Pascoe Drive, Woodend, Christchurch NZ 7610

We are specialised on the safest teeth whitening procedures on cosmetic dentistry services.

  1. Uses a state-of-the-art technology
  2. Proven 100% safe!
  3. On Demand teeth whitening Melbourne

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About the Clinic

Join our experienced beauty therapist team in Dominion Road, Mt. Eden who offer our complete range of PureSmile teeth whitening treatments. They will guide you through your chosen PureSmile Signature, Platinum or Exectutive teeth whitening package to give you back your sparkling smile!

We are specialised on the safest teeth whitening procedures on cosmetic dentistry services.

  1. Use a state-of-the-art technology
  2. Proven 100% safe! All natural
  3. On Demand teeth whitening Melbourne

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Teeth Whitening Wholesale Supplier

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Are you interested in your cosmetic clinic partnering with PureSmile? Simply fill out the form below and one of our representatives will be in touch with you shortly.

Join over 50 stockist in Australia and New Zealand and start using PureSmile teeth whitening system in your clinic today. PureSmile is not only Australia’s leading teeth whitening solution, it’s also a marketing platform delivering thousands of new clients to our partner clinics each year helping them grow with our state-of-the-art marketing solution. PureSmile is the only teeth whitening wholesale supplier that will send clients directly to your business.


Banana Peel Teeth Whitening

Home Teeth Whitening Strips: Everything You Need To Know

Why and How Lemon Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

Achieve Instant Teeth Whitening With These 5 Methods

How to Whiten Teeth Using a Banana


PureSmile - Teeth Whitening - Woman with a big smile

1. Banana Peel Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is usually associated with cosmetic dental procedures, expensive creams and having to subject yourself to regular treatment. But what you may not know is that the skin of a common fruit may very well be what you need for whiter, more pleasant-looking choppers!A banana is a tropical fruit that provides a lot of nutrients. It’s loaded with potassium, dietary fiber and it’s easy to eat. Before you throw away the peel, though, you may want to use it for making your teeth whiter.Can a banana peel really do that? The answer is yes! Here’s why banana peel teeth whitening works and how it can help you achieve a brighter smile.

PureSmile - Banana Peel Teeth Whitening

Why A Banana Peel?

Believe it or not, banana peels are bursting with nutrients such as potassium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, amino acids and proteins, all of which contribute to a whiter smile. It’s nature’s way of protecting your teeth from foods or habits that cause yellowing and stains.

What’s more, using banana peels to whiten your teeth is a much less abrasive and less harsh as compared to all the other dental treatments out there. The potassium makes your teeth and gums healthier, and when used in conjunction with baking soda or salt, your teeth will become significantly whiter in just a few days.

How To Do A Banana Peel Teeth Whitening Procedure

Are you ready for whiter teeth using natural methods? Using a banana peel is easier than it sounds. Here’s a step by step process on how you can do it in the comfort of your own home:

Banana Peel Teeth Whitening Procedure
Step 1. Get a few banana peels, preferably taken fresh from several bananas.Step 2. Take a firm hold of the banana peel, then start rubbing the inner side of the peel against the top and bottom of your teeth. Continue doing so until you have a film of banana mush covering most of the surface.Step 3. Leave the banana mush on your teeth for about 10 to 15 minutes. Refrain from moving your lips or your tongue during this time.

Step 4. Take your tooth brush and use it to brush your teeth without any toothpaste. Short, circular motions work best in rubbing the mush against your teeth.

Step 5. Rinse the mush off your mouth using lukewarm water. Gargle with a few swallows of water to get everything clean and your teeth banana-free. You can brush using regular toothpaste afterwards if you want to get the minty taste you’ve grown accustomed to.

Step 6. Floss or gargle with mouthwash and continue with your dental hygienic routine. Notice how your teeth are both clean and sparkling white.

Do this several times per week and you’ll start noticing the results. Continue until you’re satisfied with the shade of your pearly whites. The great thing about this method is that it’s natural, cheap and it doesn’t take much of your time. In just a few days, your smile will be brighter and your teeth will glow white and healthy. Spread the word so everybody will know this teeth whitening trick!

2. Home Teeth Whitening Strips: Everything You Need To Know

We all crave that million-dollar, pearly white smile, sometimes accentuated with a gold filling for that extra touch of luxury. Fortunately, home teeth whitening strips provide a quick and easy way to whiten your teeth affordably, ensuring your smile, including any gold fillings, shines brilliantly. These strips are highly recommended for those looking for quick and permanent results to boost their smile without having to visit the dentist. Home teeth whitening strips are ideal for people with sensitive gums and teeth, and those who experience excruciating pain using other types of whiteners. These strips, which can enhance the brightness of your teeth and complement any gold fillings, can be purchased either from a store or at your dentist’s office.

Home Teeth Whitening Strips

What are the key ingredients of home teeth whitening strips and how does it work?

Home teeth whitening strips are made using a flexible plastic substance that is coated with a thin layer of whitening gel. The main ingredients in this gel are baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. When you apply the strip on your teeth and hold it for a few minutes, the gel gets spread evenly against your teeth, allowing it to penetrate your teeth and begin its lightening work. The hydrogen peroxide or baking soda works by breaking down the darker molecules on your dentine or enamel, leaving you with a whiter, brighter smile. This treatment is especially effective if your teeth are straight.

What will you find in the box?

– 28 strips.

Each home teeth whitening strips package contains 28 strips that are intended for 14 treatments. Hence, you are required to use two strips for your upper and lower teeth a day for two weeks. Before starting the procedure, it is crucial that you plan ahead so that you avoid eating teeth-staining foods and drinks like coffee, wine, chocolate, curry, beets and acidic beverages like citrus and sodas as they may affect the enamel of your teeth in the course of the treatment.

Also, do not brush your teeth before applying the strips. However, you can floss and rinse them before starting. After using your strips, you are highly advised to brush your teeth and thoroughly rinse your mouth. Once you have completed your treatment, you should avoid anything that can stain your teeth for the first 24 to 48 hours.

– Shades chart

You will also find a shades chart that you can use to compare the effectiveness of the treatment.

Home Teeth Whitening Strips Placement

How to use home teeth whitening strips

Step 1. Before handling the strips, make sure your hands are dry

Step 2. Start by fitting the lower strip carefully over your teeth following your gum line and press it against your teeth

Step 3. Repeat the same procedure for the upper teeth

Step 4. Wait for at least 15 to 30 minutes before removing the strip and dispose of

Step 5. Clean your mouth to remove the gel from your teeth

3. Why and How Lemon Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

You probably have friends who hide their teeth whenever they take photos as individuals or members of groups. Do you know the reason why they do so? Well, in all likelihood, your friends have discolored teeth. That’s why they don’t reveal anything beyond their lips.

Lemon and Teeth Whitening

Your teeth are covered with a layer that makes them look white. The coating is known as enamel. Beneath the white coating lies another yellow layer known as dentin. The yellow layer (dentin) is usually revealed when the upper layer is either stripped or stained.

The color of your teeth may turn from white to yellow, brown or beige because of development of unsightly stains on the enamel.

When the enamel thins out, dentin (the yellow layer) becomes more visible. The corrosion is due to continuous loss of hard tissue which gradually wears away, courtesy of harsh elements.

The occurrence can affect people of all ages, ranging from children to the elderly.

What causes discoloration?

There are various factors that can lead to discoloration. They include:

    • Excessive consumption of drinks that contain caffeine.
    • Genetic factors. Some people are predisposed to this condition because of their lineage.
    • Cigarette smoking.
    • Excessive intake of fluoride (through drinking water).
    • Thinning tooth enamel (usually caused by aging).
    • Use of certain antibiotics.
    • Poor eating habits. If you love consuming acid-rich processed foods, acid-rich supplements, soft drinks and candies, then your teeth are at greater risk of getting discolored.
    • Certain medical conditions (such as blocked nasal passage and dry mouth).
    • Poor oral hygiene (e.g. failing to brush teeth after every meal).

What is the relationship between lemon and teeth whitening?

Use of lemon is one of the most effective techniques of whitening teeth. The fruit peel, fruit and its juice contain high amounts of citric acid. Citric acid is a strong corrosive agent that can get rid of the stains on your teeth within a few days.In addition to citric acid, lemon fruit and juice also contain Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), a very strong and effective corrosion agent.Lemon contains other vitamins such as Folates, Vitamin E, Niacin, Vitamin A, pantothenic acid, Thiamin, Pyridoxine and Riboflavin, albeit in low quantities.

You can also find minerals like calcium, zinc, copper, manganese and iron in lemon fruit and juice.

There’s a very strong link between lemon and teeth whitening.

The Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and citric acid found in lemon are very strong bleaching agents that can effectively eliminate the yellow, beige or brown stains on your teeth.

Relation Between lemon and teeth whitening

Safety tips

Having dazzling white-teeth can be very easy, thanks to the whitening properties of lemon. You don’t have to hide your teeth anymore when taking photographs or meeting your prospective boyfriend or girlfriend.

Use of lemon in teeth whitening endeavors rarely causes side effects. Even when side effects occur, they are mild. However, there are precautionary measures that must be taken.

It’s very important to consult your dentist before doing anything. The dentist will carry out a detailed examination to check if your gums are healthy, or if they contain any cavities.

Shop wisely. There are many companies that sell teeth whitening products, and some of them can have disastrous effects. Be careful.

Follow the directions given. Leaving gels and strips on your teeth for too long may lead to serious problems.

If you are expecting a baby or breastfeeding, keep away from teeth whitening products. The stains can wait.

Lemon and teeth whitening – verdict

Lemon peel, fruit and juice contain elements that can help whiten your teeth within a few weeks. If you want to restore the white color that your teeth used to have, try lemon. There’ll be no disappointments.

4. Achieve Instant Teeth Whitening With These 5 Methods

Having perfectly white teeth is extremely important in today’s culture, hence the increasing number of people looking for ways to obtain instant teeth whitening. Teeth are among the first things people notice; they’re a sign we value both our health and appearance. Luckily, there are many ways to achieve the perfect smile, either by trying home remedies or turning to professional services. Let’s look into the best options available today.

Instant Teeth Whitening - Baking Soda
Instant Teeth Whitening - Coconut Oil
Instant Teeth Whitening - Hydrogen Peroxide
Instant Teeth Whitening Strips
Instant Teeth Whitening LED

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a popular ingredient in most commercial toothpaste due to its natural whitening properties. One study shows how toothpaste containing baking soda is more effective at removing the unsightly yellow stains on our teeth than toothpaste without baking soda.

This ingredient is mildly abrasive and helps scrub away any stains on your teeth. Furthermore, because it creates an alkaline environment in your mouth, it prevents bacteria from growing, thus helping you maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

2. Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut oil seems to be great for everything! Don’t just use it for skin care and cooking because it’s amazing properties makes it ideal for instant teeth whitening as well! Oil pulling is not that just, you just need to do it regularly for the best results possible.

Simply take a spoonful of oil in your mouth and swish it thoroughly between your teeth for up to 20 minutes. Afterward, spit the oil and rinse your mouth. If this method is too time-consuming for you, apply the coconut oil to your toothpaste as with a regular toothpaste and brush it on.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent that kills the bacteria in your mouth naturally. Just as with baking soda, you’ll find this ingredient in many commercial whitening products, so you can rest assured it is safe to use. In fact, people have been using it for years to disinfect wounds.

One study (https://tinyurl.com/yd6g27tq) shows how toothpaste containing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda lead to significantly whiter teeth. Just make sure to dilute it before using because strong concentrations or overuse can cause tooth sensitivity and other dental problems. Stay safe by using a mouthwash containing hydrogen peroxide before brushing your teeth.

4. Whitening Strips

Let’s move on to more professional options. If home remedies do not provide you with the expected results, there’s always whitening strips. They’re one of the most popular and affordable teeth whitening products on the market today, and they work really fast!

Whitening strips are coated with a peroxide gel which destroys any bacteria or stain build-up on your teeth. Read the instructions carefully because how often you should wear them depends on the brand. As with anything, don’t overdo it because prolonged application can cause dental issues.

5. LED Whitening System

This bleach-based treatment uses blue light and peroxide to break down the stain build-up on your teeth. The kit usually contains a whitening gel mouth tray, and the handled LED light device. To use it, simply put the gel on the tray and insert it in your mouth. Hold the LED device in place and switch it on.

This treatment typically takes 20 minutes, but you should always read the instructions beforehand as it may differ from brand to brand. Always rinse out your mouth after completion so that you don’t swallow the bleaching gel.

Bottom Line

As you can see, there’s no reason to feel self-conscious about your not-so-perfect teeth anymore because there are plenty of ways to address this problem. From home remedies to professional products and services, achieving instant teeth whitening is a real possibility!

5. How to Whiten Teeth Using a Banana

We all love bananas, and given they are loaded with potassium, they are a superb snack option. But have you thought of the banana as tooth whitener?

Banana Teeth Whitening

Vloggers and bloggers claim that they have been able to whiten their teeth using banana peels.

According to these internet aficionados, banana peels contain plenty of active components, which are vital for teeth whitening. When these minerals are absorbed by the teeth, they automatically lead to teeth whitening.

Additionally, the bloggers believe that banana peels offer a safer or rather kinder alternative to the teeth as opposed to the harsh and abrasive chemical teeth whiteners and other natural options.

However, according to the American Dental Association, banana teeth whitening is based on anecdotal evidence and is not without detractors. For instance, some scientists are said to have attempted on the banana peel experiment for a period of 14 days without any successful improvement.

Nonetheless, since the fruit has no side effects, what would be a better way of validating the above information rather than try it yourself.

Let us look at how perform a banana teeth whitening

Banana Teeth Whitening Procedure
Step 1. Pick a banana: The first step is to pick a banana. When picking the banana, it`s recommended that you pick a ripe banana since it contains more minerals than a raw one. However, it does not necessarily have to be black in color.Step 2. Peel the banana: The next step after picking the banana is to peel it. It`s recommended that you peel one strip from the banana. For easy and convenient peeling, it is recommended that you peel your banana from the bottom to the top.Step 3. Apply the interior of the banana to your teeth: After peeling, you are required to apply the interior section of the fruit skin onto your teeth. Slather, the fibrous interior all over your teeth and ensure it covers all your teeth.

Step 4. With the paste still covering your teeth, you are required to stay for a period of approximately 10-15 minutes. This period allows the minerals in the banana peel to get absorbed in your teeth. During this period, it`s advisable not to close your mouth so that the lips won`t come together and rub the pasted covering your teeth.

Step 5. Clean your teeth: After the 10-15 minutes are over, you are required to brush your teeth using a dry brush. Brush your teeth for about 2-3 minutes. After this, you are now required to brush your teeth using a wet toothbrush and rinse your mouth. Lastly, clean your mouth using your preferred toothpaste.

Step 6. Repeat this daily: For this treatment to work, you are required to repeat this process daily for a period of at least two weeks. It`s recommended that you take a picture of your teeth before you begin and after using this system so that you can notice any visible changes.

However, you should be aware that bananas contain high amounts of sugar, which can adversely affect your teeth if used in large amounts and continuously.

6. Results

PureSmile - Teeth Whitening - Before and After Home Remedies

PureSmile Teeth Whitening Treatments

PureSmile is a company dedicated to bringing the newest technology in cosmetic treatments to Australia and New Zealand. We have developed a range of treatments that deliver great results while being gentle to patients. We specialize in cosmetic and dentist teeth whitening, PureSmile LED light therapy rejuvenation treatments, dermal fillers and Plasma Jett technology.

Our treatments are one of the most effective ways to get your bright smile back and are a quick and pain free option to achieve amazing long-lasting results.

We started with clinics in Sydney and Melbourne and have expended our business over 20 different locations in in all major Australian and New Zealand cities offering our unique and effective treatments. Find the clinic closest to you and get your smile back.



Teeth Whitening Aukland




Teeth Whitening Christchurch




Teeth Whitening Wellington



Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Treatments Christchurch

Woodend Teeth Whitening

5 Pascoe Drive, Woodend, Christchurch NZ 7610

  • Fast and easy whitening teeth process
  • 100% safe to sensitive teeth and gums
  • Uses a state-of-the-art technology

Our clinic operating hours vary according to the location.

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Teeth Whitening Christchurch - Dorset View

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Cancellation/rescheduling policy of 24 hours applies, cancellation fee $50, not recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding women or children under the age of 14 years, may not be effective on caps, crowns or fillings. Results may vary.


I acknowledge that I am purchasing a self-administered Teeth Whitening Kit that is designed to whiten the color of my teeth. As a part of the purchase, I am asking for assistance in the use of my teeth whitening kit, and I understand that I will be allowed to use a specially designed LED Lamp in order to accelerate the whitening process. Although most natural teeth can benefit from a teeth whitening treatment, I understand that everyone’s teeth are different and that results will vary.

CAUTIONS AND DISCLAIMER agreeing to this consent form frees all distributors, manufacturers, and affiliates from all liability associated with the use of this formulation or system or additional use of any light source.

• Do not use if pregnant or lactating.

• Do not use if periodontal disease or other medical conditions exist in the mouth.

• Do not use if you have a history of allergic reactions to peroxide products.

• Do not chew or use tobacco or drink alcohol during your treatment.

Temporary side effects of tooth sensitivity or mild tissue irritation may occur but are usually transient and may last for a day or two. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, I indicate that I am eligible as per the criteria listed above, that I have read and fully understand this entire document and that I am performing this treatment under my own responsibility.


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Note: Our vouchers are set to sent directly to one specified address.

For more information about our gift cards please contact us or call us at 1300 858 199.

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Treatments Auckland

Dominion Road, Mt. Eden

123D Dominion Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland NZ 1024

  • Fast teeth whitening process
  • 100% safe to teeth and gums
  • Use the state-of-the-art technology

Our clinic operating hours vary according to the location.

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Teeth Whitening Auckland - City View


Opening Hours Pure Smile StoresPureSmile Mount Eden Operating Hours

Mon 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Tue 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Wed 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Thu 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Fri 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sat 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sun Closed

For more information about our Auckland clinic click here


Opening Hours Pure Smile StoresPureSmile Wellington Operating Hours

Mon Closed
Tue 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Wed 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thu 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sun Closed

For more information about our Wellington clinic click here



Opening Hours Pure Smile StoresPureSmile Christchurch Operating Hours

Mon 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tue 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wed 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thu 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

For more information about our Christchurch clinic click here


*Times are subject to change including public holidays

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